The Magic Crayons, Disco Yeah CDx10, 子供、幼稚園、就学前、小学生向けの楽しい英語の歌。 16曲。マジッククレヨンSimple English Songs今聞いて Animals Wa Wa Wa 2:342 Chu High 2:303 Colors of the 80s 2:194 Disco Yeah! 2:025 Emotional Wreck 1:516 Jumping Clap Dance 1:457 Let It Slide 2:458 Mo Mo Town 3:089 Mothers Little Shokka 3:0610 Radio Shoulders 2:2111 The Say Song 1:3712 Sho Fruity 2:1513 Song For 20 2:1514 Sports Noodles 3:5515 Weather Or Not 1:2016 White Christmas 1:54